A Fashion Footwear Retailer in New Zealand Streamlines its Imaging Processes for Better Productivity, Improves Quality, and Cuts its Operations’ Cost by 50%
The Client
Our client is a retailer of quality fashion footwear sourced from around the world, and has its support center located in Auckland, New Zealand. They have 35 stores nationwide and currently employ 300 individuals. Apart from self-service outlets all over New Zealand, the client also sells footwear via its online store.
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The Business Situation
To optimize its operations, the client needed timely editing work and integration of the same into the existing processes. Escalating workload, limited resources and the added pressure of maintaining consistent quality within the required turnaround time had an adverse impact on productivity. This prompted the client to examine offshore possibilities - an outsourcing agency that could provide reliable, cost-effective and quality editing service.
The Challenges
The challenges the client faced and the reasons that compelled them to go for an outsourced solution were:
- The client's editing requirement stood at 40,000 images per annum. This demand far exceeded its current capacity
- Providing round-the-clock coverage to ensure quick turnaround time
- Assuring 100% error free outputs
- Catering to an increased demand to deliver quality fashion footwear to customers on time
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The problems compounded in the presence of some topical factors, such as:
- Dearth of skilled and qualified resources in the local market
- Added Infrastructure costs that the editing work posed on them
- A Turnaround Time of 48 hours
In order to provide a solution, we faced some challenges that included:
- Free adequate resources and allocate them to the project
- Assign skilled and high-caliber editors for the task
- Guarantee 100% error-free outputs on a consistent level
- Ensure timely response to client queries by designating a supervisor for the job
- Use the latest licensed photo-editing software applications to ensure optimum quality output
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The SmartPHOTOeditors Solution
We embarked on 5-point solutions which were as follows:
- Made sufficient resources available for the project and provided round-the-clock coverage for quick turnaround time
- Ensured the security of our systems by taking relevant measures, such as:
- Alloted 4 Mbps dedicated bandwidth to the Imaging Department
- Allocated 40 high end workstations ready with the latest licensed software
- Designated a supervisor for prompt handling of client queries
The Result
The client benefited immensely by our solution.
Some benefits derived by them were:
- The client was able to cut costs in half
- We provided training to new recruits and existing employees on the latest technologies on client's requirements
- Outsourcing the project helped free up resources for other important work
- The outsourcing process seamlessly integrated with the client's existing operations improving overall efficiency
- The client received the highest quality service at a very competitive pricing. The positive feedback that we have received stands as a testimony